Gloomhaven Secretariat is a companion app for Gloomhaven based board games and does bookkeeping of all entities values to gain more focus on gameplay. The app supports all official editions namely Gloomhaven, Frosthaven, Jaws of the Lion and Forgotten Circles, the community editions The Crimson Scales and Trail of Ashes as well as Solo scenarios and custom content. GHS is heavily based on the look and feel of the original Gloomhaven Helper (by Esoteric Software®). Since GHH is discontinued and not available anymore, GHS should become a well-maintained successor, implementing all features of GHH, improvements and even more features. As GHS is a web application no installation is required and it runs in every modern browser even on mobile. It can also be installed. For usage with multiple clients sharing the same game, the server component Gloomhaven Secretariat Server is required.
On first start a new game is created and you can choose your edition to start a new campaign. The current game is saved in the browser, so no game data is lost when you browse elsewhere and come back later (please note: private/incognito browsing modes will of course delete this data on closing!).
Most setup is done via the Main Menu in the top left corner. Hints for what to do next will appear next to the menu icon.
Open the Main Menu and click the Add Character button to choose characters.
Open the Main Menu and click the Set Scenario button. Select the edition to get a list of all available scenarios for the selected edition. Click on the scenario number to set up the scenario.
To play a custom scenario, select the Custom option and optionally enter a name for the scenario. Afterwards in the Main Menu click on the Add Monster button to add a monster.
At the bottom in the middle, the current scenario level with it's corresponding values for gold conversion , trap damage , experience and hazardous terrain are shown. The scenario level is automatically set based on the level of the added characters.
To adjust the difficulty, click or touch the values, then use Scenario level adjustment.
To change the level manually, first disable Automatic level calculation, then select the corresponding level. The recommended level based on the characters' level is highlighted with a lighter circle if it does not match the current level. (To change character levels, see Updating Character and Managing Character.)
With Level bonuses adjustment set adjustment of the level used for bonuses calculation and ≥ 5 player rules (Only visible by ≥ 5 characters) apply Isaac's 5 player rules [1, 2] (Level+2, Bonuses-2).
For solo level calculation select the Solo option.
To spawn a monster, click on the on the monster stat cards. For a normal monster, click on the left icon. For an elite monster, click on the right icon. For bosses, click on the left icon.
To change the level of a monster manually, click on the current Level number on the monster's stat sheet to open a level menu.
Before starting the round, each character must have its initiative set. The initiative can be set by clicking on the character portrait, the icon next to it or by entering it directly in the input field under the icon. You can also drag the character portrait left or right to adjust the initiative.
After choosing initiative the round can be started by clicking the Draw button in the bottom left corner. The monster ability cards will be drawn and all figures will be sorted by their initiative. Now it's the first figure's turn. The active figure is marked with a highlight around its portrait.
On most turns values like hit points and conditions must be updated. Every entity has a menu for changing its values.
Every monster entity is represented by its standee below the monster's ability card. Click on the standee to open the menu for the monster entity.
Change the hit points by clicking the icon or icon next to the big icon at the top left of the menu.
Apply or remove conditions by clicking on the corresponding condition icon.
Curses and Blesses are automatically shuffled into or removed from the shared Monster Attack Modifier Deck when you click the icon or icon next to the or icons.
An entity is automatically dead when it hit points are below 1. To kill a monster entity directly, click on the icon.
The maximum hit points can be changed by clicking the icon or icon next to the small icon on the bottom of the menu. There is also a summon icon to mark an entity as summoned.
On each monster's turn, all entities of that type are marked as active, visible by a highlight. Double click on the entity to mark the end of the entity's turn.
To open the menu for a character click on the middle of the character area.
Change the hit points by clicking the icon or icon next to the big icon at the top left of the menu.
Apply or remove conditions by clicking on the corresponding condition icon.
Experience and Loot gained during the scenario can be recorded by clicking the icon or icon next to the and icons.
A character is automatically exhausted when its hit points are below 1. To manually mark a character as exhausted, click on the icon.
Additionally the level can changed by clicking the icon. Change the level by selecting the corresponding number. The new maximum hit points will be calculated automatically. The maximum hit points can also be changed manually by clicking the icon or icon next to the icon in the level menu.
To add summons click on the big icon on the right side of the character. The summon indicator can be set by selecting a color and a number. Available summons are listed be below and are added by clicking on the summon indicator icon on the left of the name. Custom summons can be added by entering a name in the text input field and clicking the summon indicator next to it.
To end a figure's turn click on the figure portrait. The next figure will be activated automatically. Alternatively an inactive figure's turn can be started by clicking on its portrait.
The monster's attack modifier deck is in the bottom right on the screen. Click on the undrawn card to draw the next card. The last two drawn cards are next to each other. To view or edit the deck, click on one of the drawn cards or on the icon.
The character's attack modifier deck can be opened by clicking on the small attack modifier icon in
the middle of the character area. The deck opens and works the same as the monster's deck. In addition, all drawn rolling
modifiers will be shown next to each other.
To close the deck just click somewhere on the character.
character perks, see the Character Sheet.
Frosthaven introduced a new Loot Deck mechanic. The loot deck is automatically configured for Frosthaven scenarios and can be expanded by clicking on the icon on the bottom left. Click on the undrawn card to draw the next card. The last two drawn cards are next to each other. To view or edit the deck, click on one of the drawn cards or on the icon. In the edit window the Loot Table and the Card Enhancements can be configured.
When all figures have taken their turns click the Next Round button on the bottom left to start preparing for the next round.
To finish a scenario, click on the scenario title on the bottom bar and select Success or Failure to end the scenario with success or failure.
When a scenario is finished either with success or failure the corresponding bonuses, in XP and gold, will be shown and also automatically added to the character's progress. To view the character's progress open the Character Sheet.
To open a section, select the corresponding section on the bottom under the scenario title. Alternatively, open the Main Menu and click the Add Section button. Select the section same just as you do for Set Scenario.
To open a character's sheet, click on the character icon on the right of the character's area. A digital version of the character sheet will appear. Change the name, level, XP or gold for the character. Items can be added with automatic deducation of the cost in gold, or directly, ignoring the cost. Battle Goal checkmarks can be set to gain corresponding extra perks. On the bottom are some extra fields for making additional notes, recording details of the Personal Quest, and setting the number of previous retirements by that player to enable extra perks.
Changing perks during a scenario is prohibited because changing perks will change and shuffle the character's Attack Modifier Deck. The number of available perks is calculated due to level, battle goals and retirements. To change perks anyway, double-click (long-press on mobile) on a disabled checkbox to toggle the perk. A warning will be shown if the number of checked perks exceeds the permitted number.
On the top bar, click on Party Sheet to open a digital representation of the party sheet. If a Party Name is set the name will shown instead.
For Frosthaven the Party Sheet is replaced by the Frosthaven Campaign Sheet. The basic Campaign Sheet for managing campaign progress such as scenarios, unlocked items and listing retirements is still available by clicking on Campaign Sheet at the top.
Buildings are also managed on the Frosthaven Campaign Sheet. Click on the name of the building to change its status to Damaged or Wrecked.
To force the Upgrade, Repair or Rebuild of a building without spending resources, double-click (long-press on mobile) the corresponding icon.
The Town Guard Deck is also available at the Frosthaven Campaign Sheet. In contrast to the Attack Modifier Decks, the Town Guard Deck is disabled when playing a scenario and can be drawn during Outpost Phase, otherwise it behaves the same way.
On the Campaign Sheet, you can track Prosperity, Global Achievements, Unlocked Items, looted Treasures and Donations. To add a treasure or item, enter the treasure or item index number and click on the icon.
In Campaign Mode, scenarios are locked and need to be unlocked by finished the corresponding scenarios. When an edition is selected at the beginning, the Campaign Mode is activated by default. To toggle campaign mode, open the Main Menu and toggle the Campaign Mode checkbox in the Set Edition menu. The Campaign Mode can also be toggled on the Campaign Sheet.
To open the Settings Menu open the Main Menu and click the Settings button. Hover over (tap on mobile) the little icon to get a more detailed description of a setting.
To synchronize the game state between multiple clients a separate server component is required. A
public instance is
available at
port 8443
with the secure
your own server, please refer to the How to
run section in the GHS Server README.
To connect to a server, open the Main Menu and click on the Connect to Server button. Choose from a list of public servers or manually setup a server. In the server menu the following fields must be set:
]To add custom data or change existing data, first make your data available via network (for example, via GitHub Pages on the internet). Then open the Main Menu and click the Data Management button. Under Edition Data Url add the URL to the data and click the button.
An example repository can be found at which is published at So
example, add
for a complete